How to get the last day of any month

Example: You are on a project and you need to automate how you retrieve the last day of the month every time you pull data because you use it almost all the time.

This is a quick solution, by using a Scalar-valued function.
Run this:

USE YourDBName
Create Function [dbo].[FnGetLastDayOfMonth]
-- Input parameters
@Anydate datetime
RETURNS datetime AS
Returns the last day of the month (extracted from the date passed)

-- add one month to the datepassed
SET @Anydate = DATEADD(m,1,@Anydate)

RETURN DATEADD(d,-datepart(d,@Anydate),@Anydate)

You can test this in a simple select statement;

 SELECT [dbo].[fnGetLastDayOfMonth](GETDATE()) as  LastDayOfTheMonth

Here is the result when i ran it;


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